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Amateur Radio in the Classroom

Support Teachers Institutes

Your contribution to support ARRL's successful efforts to promote Amateur Radio in stations in schools and to provide professional development for teachers in wireless technology is needed now.  Donate Now

Why Bring Amateur Radio into your Classroom?

As a 21st century educator, there are too many demands for your attention and energy. Creating engaging lessons that align with your curriculum standards while holding the attention of your students in a meaningful way takes a lot of time. You need a topic that has multiple points of entry, customizable breadth and depth of content knowledge and is hands-on for a STEM unit. ARRL's Education and Learning Department is aware of your search and presents a solution. 

Amateur radio ("Ham radio") has long been fertile for gaining knowledge and skill with electronics technology and for hands-on experimentation and application of technology. Using Amateur Radio in the classroom is a proven and effective way to teach both fact and theory and align with state and national learning objectives-- in STEM curricula-- as well as other content areas. 

ARRL's Education & Technology Program (ETP) provides resources and training to help teachers learn how basic electronics and radio science is applied in today's technologies, and how to bring this knowledge to their students. Our ETP aims to achieve wireless technology literacy for teachers and students alike.


  • Where can I quickly access free curriculum and lesson plans about radio?-

    Explore these linked resources below to find the perfect lessons and align standards for your students. 

    ETP Classroom Resources 

    Curriculum Connections and Benchmarks 

    ARRL Learning Center - Please search "Lesson Plans." More lesson plans made by teachers for teachers uploaded regularly.

  • What if I need more training before I can teach my students?+

  • How do I learn more about radio science as a teacher?+

  • Are there any certifications I need to teach my students about radio?+

  • Are there any scholarships or grants offered by ARRL?+

  • How can my school host an ARISS contact?+

  • We are learning about space! Does studying radio make sense for us?+

  • Careers and Amateur Radio+

  • Case Study: Electronics Occupations Program at Turlock High School+

What is the Education & Technology Program?

A session of Teachers Institutes 1 in the summer of 2023 holding up their antennas outside ARRL headquarters.

ARRL developed an education outreach project to introduce teachers to Amateur Radio as an instructional resource and to provide an educationally sound curriculum focused on wireless communications. The goal is to offer the resources to build a foundation of wireless technology literacy among American teachers and students.

What is wireless technology literacy?

A person who is wireless technology literate:

  • Is aware of the many types, capabilities, and limitations of wireless technology.
  • Has the ability to select appropriate wireless technology to convey the message.
  • Has the ability to adapt and adjust wireless technology to meet changing conditions to get the task accomplished.
  • Has the ability to use wireless technology to enrich life experience.

What does the Education and Technology Program offer?

Originally known as “The Big Project,” the Education and Technology Program was launched as an entirely donor funded project and today continues to offer resources to schools at no cost with the sustaining support of donors in the amateur radio community.

The Education & Technology Program offers three types of resources to teachers and schools.

The participants of a Teachers Institutes 1 session smiling at a table at ARRL headquarters.

Throughout the year,  ARRL offers multiple sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology, a 5- day expenses paid professional development seminar, in locations across the U.S. The Teachers Institute has provided teachers from elementary school to the university level with tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, the science of radio, space technology and satellite communications, as well as weather science, programming microcontrollers and robotics in their classrooms.
A group of teachers are using a balloon outside during a Teachers Institutes session.
Through its Teachers Institutes the ARRL’s Education & Technology Program (ETP) has been working for more than 10 years to promote the teaching of technology. A primary goal of the program is to provide teachers with the equipment needed to begin working with students quickly.

Read more about the workshop.

ETP Schools

To date, the ARRL had provided resources, including radio equipment, to more than 500 teachers and schools!  Check out the List of ETP Schools to identify participating schools in your area.

Two students are posing for a picture in front of their Montessori school station K6GBM.

The ARRL Education & Technology Program is supported through generous contributions to the ARRL Education & Technology Fund by individuals, clubs and equipment vendors. We offer a special thanks to the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA), Yaesu, and Ham Radio Outlet for their in-kind support for the Teachers Institute.


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