![]() May 11, 2023 John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, Editor
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ARRL is conducting an online survey to seek input from members on how we will handle an increase in dues. The survey, which was launched on May 1, will remain open until May 31. The results from the survey will be tabulated and shared with members on the ARRL website in June. Responses will ultimately help guide the future of ARRL. The survey is available to ARRL members, only. Members need to make sure they have logged into the ARRL website to participate. For more information, and to complete the survey, visit www.arrl.org/dues-survey. Dayton Hamvention® 2023 Ready to Go Tens of thousands of amateur radio operators and radio enthusiasts are preparing to head to Dayton Hamvention 2023 in Xenia, Ohio. The event will host the 2023 ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention.
ARRL is also sponsoring a series of eight forums this year, including:
Read the complete Dayton Hamvention® 2023 - ARRL Forums News story for a full list and descriptions of ARRL-sponsored forums at Hamvention. The full slate of Hamvention forums is published at hamvention.org. Attendees may also find the information on the ARRL Events app. For more information about Dayton Hamvention, including tickets, parking, and the talk-in, visit hamvention.org. Follow ARRL News and ARRL social media channels for coverage on Dayton Hamvention. National Hurricane Center Amateur Radio Station Annual Test Updated 5/16/23 The amateur radio station of the National Hurricane Center, WX4NHC (NHC), located on the campus of Florida International University in Miami, will conduct their on-the-air Annual Communications Test on Saturday, May 27, 2023, from 9 AM - 5 PM EDT (1300z- 2100z).
This event is good practice for amateur radio operators worldwide to practice amateur radio communications during times of severe weather. Ripoll said WX4NHC will be on HF, VHF, UHF, 2- and 30-meter APRS, and Winlink, To contact the NHC's amateur radio station send an email to wx4nhc@winlink.org. The subject of the email must contain //WL2K. WX4NHC will try to stay on the Hurricane Watch Net frequency, 14.325 MHz, for most of the time, as well as 7.268 MHz depending on propagation. They may also change frequencies due to potential QRM. You may be able to find WX4NHC on HF by using one of the DX spotting networks, such as the DX Summit website at http://www.dxsummit.fi. The VoIP Hurricane Net will also be active from 4 PM - 5 PM EDT (2000-2100z), RLP node 9219/EchoLink WX-TALK Conference node 7203. Visit their website for more information. WX4NHC will also make a few contacts on local VHF and UHF repeaters, as well as the Florida Statewide Amateur Radio Network (SARnet) system to test station equipment. QSL cards are available via WD4R with a self-addressed stamped envelope. More information about the NHC is available at their website. Editors note: A previous version of this article conflated the use of the frequency normally used by the Hurricane Watch Net by WX4NHC with the actual Hurricane Watch Net. Virginia Beach Amateur Radio Club Receives Commendation The Virginia General Assembly recently issued a resolution commending the Virginia Beach Amateur Radio Club, W4UG (VBARC). House Joint Resolution 681 was carried in the Virginia General Assembly by Virginia Beach Delegate Karen S. Greenhalgh. The resolution was co-patroned in the Virginia Senate by the 8th District Senator Bill DeSteph and the 14th District Senator John Cosgrove. The commendation honored the VBARC for their many community contributions, stating, "the VBARC, an American Radio Relay League Special Service Club, has greatly served the Virginia Beach community for many years by volunteering its time and equipment for emergency and public services, and by providing exceptional aid to both local amateur radio enthusiasts and the community at large through training classes, technical projects, and other activities." The complete resolution can be read here: http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?231+ful+HJ681ER Five members of the VBARC were invited to the House Gallery of the Virginia General Assembly by Delegate Greenhalgh, where the resolution was read on the House Floor before the Virginia House of Delegates. Delegate Greenhalgh presented the framed resolution to the VBARC at their April 2023 meeting. It was accepted by VBARC Club President Doug Duggan, N4IRK. Ohio's Rooster Net Has Good Company Last week's Ohio Rooster Net story in the May 4, 2023, issue of The ARRL Letter brought in two immediate responses regarding some of the longest-running nets. First, Larry Wheeler, W9QR, reminded us that the Indiana Section Level Traffic Net, formally the Indiana Phone Net, has been active every day with a morning and evening session on the 80-meter band since January 19, 1947. The ITN started out as an AM net that switched to SSB in the 1960s. The sessions now begin at 0830 AM EST on 3912 kHz and on 3910 kHz for the evening sessions at 2030 PM EST. A typical session may have five to ten pieces of formal traffic, after which a roll call of about 50 stations is called. Wheeler said all of this is accomplished in about 18 minutes, and then the net is closed. Operators who hear the net for the first time are amazed at its efficiency. Before the days of long-distance telephone service, it was commonplace for the net to handle more than 1,000 messages each month.
The OEN got its start in May 1948, when a combination of melting snow and heavy rains caused unprecedented flooding in the Pacific Northwest. Along with damage throughout the area, the community of Vanport, in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area was completely destroyed. The incident left about 18,000 people homeless. As a result of the massive amount of health and welfare traffic generated by the flooding, Oregon amateurs decided to form an "organized statewide amateur emergency communications network," according to the OEN's history provided on their website. Chief Rooster Roy Hook, W8REH, congratulated the OEN in advance for its 75th anniversary coming up in December 2023, and thanked both clubs for their accomplishments. Hook concluded that, "celebrating traditions is key to longevity." Amateur Radio in the News ARRL Public Information Officers, Coordinators, and many other member-volunteers help keep amateur radio and ARRL in the news. "Amateur Radio Operators Help Communications During Emergencies" / The Orinda News (California), April 28, 2023 -- The Lamorinda Area Radio Interest Group (LARIG) is an ARRL Affiliated Club. "Mohawk Amateur Radio Club to transmit worldwide for worthy fundraising cause" / The Gardner News (Massachusetts), May 2, 2023 --The Mohawk Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club. "The history behind the Amateur Radio Museum" / The Daily Jeffersonian (Ohio), May 4, 2023 - The Cambridge Amateur Radio Association is an ARRL Affiliated club. Share any amateur radio media hits you spot with us. ARRL Podcasts On the Air With this year's ARRL June VHF Contest fast approaching on the weekend of June 10, seasoned VHF operator Bob Witte, KØNR, joins the podcast to talk about how to prepare yourself and your station to join in the fun of this beginner-friendly event. ARRL Audio News The On the Air podcast is available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android). The On the Air podcast and ARRL Audio News are also on blubrry -- On the Air | ARRL Audio News. Announcements Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, W2NAF, has been announced as the guest speaker at the 2023 Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR)/AMSAT Hamvention® Banquet. He will talk about the upcoming solar eclipses and the exciting ways amateur radio is contributing to the scientific research around these events. Dr. Frissell is a Space Physicist and Electrical Engineer at the University of Scranton's Physics and Engineering Department. In 2021, he was awarded a $481,260 grant through NASA's Space Weather Applications Operations Phase II Research Program. The 14th annual TAPR/AMSAT Banquet will be held at the Kohler Presidential Banquet Center on Friday, May 19, 2023, at 18:30 EDT. For additional information, visit the AMSAT website. A special thanks to AMSAT and TAPR for information. The David Kalter Memorial Youth Adventure 2023 trip to Curacao has been cancelled. The Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) Board, parent organization of the David Kalter Memorial Youth Adventure, regrets to announce there was not enough time to put a successful plan together and allow participants to obtain passports in a timely manner. Please watch out for further updates on activities soon. In Brief... Puerto Rico 's Amateurs Celebrated Dia del Radioaficionado on Tuesday, May 9. "Radio Amateur Day" was marked by a proclamation from Governor Pedro Pierluisi and Secretary of State Omar Marrero. It recognizes the voluntary help amateurs have offered in times of emergency like Hurricanes Irma and María and the 2020 earthquake. Celebrations included a special 2-meter net from the Federación de Radio Aficionados de Puerto Rico (FRA), an ARRL Affiliated Club. May is National Radio Month on the island. Radio amateurs in Puerto Rico are affectionately known as "kapecuatros", the phonetic spelling (in Spanish) of the KP4 prefix. The 2023 National Hurricane Conference was held April 4 - 5 in New Orleans, just before the start of the hurricane season in June. The event was a forum for education and professional training in hurricane and disaster preparedness. More than 1,500 people attended from around the country. The conference covered all major aspects of hurricane preparedness, response, and recovery. As part of the conference, there was an Amateur Radio Communications Workshop. ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, and Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Director of Operations, VoIP Hurricane Net and ARRL ARES Eastern Massachusetts Section Emergency Coordinator were featured as speakers. Watch the updated NHC Conference Amateur Radio Workshop presentations at https://youtu.be/iTpRE0PriJU. The K7RA Solar Update Tad Cook, K7RA, of Seattle, Washington, reports for this week's ARRL Propagation Bulletin, ARLP019: For this week's ARRL Propagation Bulletin ARLP019:
There was a modest increase in solar activity this reporting week, May 4 - 10. Average daily sunspot numbers nudged up from 114 to 119.3, and average daily solar flux went up from 151.5 to 167.1. Average daily planetary A index changed from 13.6 to 15.1, and average middle latitude A index remained the same at 11.9. Predicted solar flux is 170, 168, 166, 162, and 160 on May 11 - 15; 162 on May 16 - 17; 155 on May 18 - 21; 150 on May 22; 145 on May 23 - 25, then 140 and 145 on May 26 - 27; 155 on May 29 - 30; 160 on May 31 through June 1; 155 on June 2 - 3; 160 on June 4 - 7, then 165, 160, and 150 on June 8 - 10. Predicted planetary A index is 46, 30, 12, and 8 on May 11 - 14; 5 on May 15 - 22, then 12 and 20 on May 23 - 24; 15 on May 25 - 26; 10 on May 27 - 28; 8 on May 29; 5 on May 30 through June 1, then 16, 12, 16, and 12 on June 2 - 5; 8 on June 6 - 8, and 5 on June 9 - 13. Read about possible geomagnetic stormy space weather at: https://www.space.com/sun-reverse-sunspot-auroras-supercharge. Sunspot numbers for May 4 through 10, 2023, were 139, 90, 99, 99, 103, 151, and 154, with a mean of 119.3. 10.7-centimeter flux was 162, 161.9, 151.8, 157.2, 171.9, 194.7, and 170.1, with a mean of 167.1. Estimated planetary A indices were 6, 5, 30, 9, 16, 14, and 26, with a mean of 15.1. Middle latitude A index was 7, 4, 21, 8, 13, 11, and 19, with a mean of 11.9. Send your tips, questions, or comments to k7ra@arrl.net. A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...," and check out the Propagation Page of Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA. A propagation bulletin archive is available. For customizable propagation charts, visit the VOACAP Online for Ham Radio website. Share your reports and observations. A weekly, full report is posted on ARRL News. Just Ahead in Radiosport Yearlong -- ARRL Volunteers On the Air (VOTA). See the State Activations Schedule for weekly W1AW Portable Operations, including:
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Search the ARRL Hamfest and Convention Database to find events in your area. Have News for ARRL? Submissions for the ARRL Letter and ARRL News can be sent to news@arrl.org. -- John E. Ross, KD8IDJ, ARRL News Editor ARRL -- Your One-Stop Resource for
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