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Welcome to the ARRL Forums

These forums are for conversations among ARRL members. Feel free to discuss the topics as they are posted, or start your own topic. The forums will be monitored by ARRL staff, so you may also ask questions of staff or fellow members.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Reading out-of-print books or books only available as print KK4MRN Apr 29th 2022, 18:26 1 3,827 on 29/4/22
Open ICANN has new gTLDs. Time for a .ham gTLD? KK4MOR Nov 30th 2012, 03:18 5 8,761 on 20/3/16
by Rodneytanner01
Open EMAIL Forwarding Rejected - SOLVED kk4ggl Mar 4th 2015, 13:59 5 8,576 on 12/9/18
by WA7AJ
Open ARRL email forwarding not operational? KK0DJ Jun 12th 2014, 15:14 4 6,916 on 26/7/23
by W3RMS
Open 2nd hand held KJ7SUA Jan 3rd 2022, 11:41 2 4,621 on 3/1/22
by W1VT
Open One Antenna and two radios KJ7PVJ Dec 30th 2020, 19:36 1 5,482 on 30/12/20
Open ARRL / LOTW account key KJ6VAU Jan 21st 2015, 19:30 1 5,723 on 21/1/15
Open QST for Kindle Touch or MOBI format kj6bbs Oct 17th 2013, 20:15 1 6,055 on 17/10/13
by kj6bbs
Open EATON ARC FAULT BREAKERS KJ5GY Nov 29th 2023, 18:24 1 1,357 on 29/11/23
by KJ5GY
Open HF Vertical antennas KJ5GY Nov 9th 2023, 19:43 1 1,359 on 9/11/23
by KJ5GY
Open FCC Form 660 Kirk Jan 3rd 2015, 22:09 5 8,242 on 7/1/15
by Kirk
Open Amateur Radio in Mexico KI7QBL Dec 7th 2019, 22:42 3 5,984 on 9/12/19
Open Forwarding Slow ki6x Sep 29th 2020, 19:51 2 5,413 on 29/9/20
by W1VT
Open Radio History Question--Pearl Harbor Navy & Army Communications Before Attack? KI6VOS Sep 14th 2013, 17:20 2 6,225 on 25/9/13
by N4AAB
Open Radio History Question--Role of Radio at San Francisco's 1915 Pan-Pacific Expo? KI6VOS Sep 14th 2013, 17:41 1 6,454 on 14/9/13
Open QUESTION TO ARRL STAFF KI6NB Mar 29th 2012, 16:25 4 6,703 on 16/9/12
by aa6e
Open MEMBER SERVICES KI6NB Mar 25th 2012, 16:12 1 6,490 on 25/3/12
by KI6NB
Open 22nd edition Antenna Book Smith Chart Calc sheet pdf KI6NB Dec 11th 2011, 19:36 7 8,802 on 28/3/13
Open starter radio for technician license? KI4SSQ Jul 27th 2012, 00:34 5 6,998 on 12/4/13
Open Returning a Historic Club to Activity/ W3ADO KG6ZWZ Apr 5th 2012, 17:18 2 6,159 on 5/4/12
by N0NB
Total Topics: 432 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
Total Posts: 1554 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No

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