Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners
This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns,
antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.
Topic |
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Activity |
New Antenna Mast and Antennas
Dec 21st 2014, 15:35 |
2 |
7,287 |
on 2/4/15
Looking for 4NEC2 file simulating Trap-diploe 10/15/20 m
Ziegenpeter |
Dec 25th 2013, 23:51 |
1 |
6,913 |
on 25/12/13
by Ziegenpeter
Drone aka UAV to put up stationary antenna?
xof7fox |
Aug 12th 2014, 21:57 |
9 |
9,910 |
on 23/12/17
If I am Tx'ing a VHF GrndWave of how much value is a Beam Antenna?
xof7fox |
Jan 6th 2014, 16:54 |
4 |
7,382 |
on 14/1/14
by xof7fox
Impedance Matching HF
xof7fox |
Aug 1st 2013, 22:18 |
3 |
8,981 |
on 3/8/13
by W1VT
Q on dBi, dBd & dB(nothing) vendor data?
xof7fox |
Nov 20th 2014, 20:31 |
2 |
6,908 |
on 21/11/14
by W1VT
'Random Wire Receiving Antennas' - Gen'l Question...
xof7fox |
Aug 14th 2015, 17:08 |
3 |
7,482 |
on 17/8/15
by xof7fox
Folded Dipole 40M
xof7fox |
Aug 1st 2013, 22:04 |
3 |
7,225 |
on 17/9/13
by xof7fox
Impedance per current General Manual p.6-6/fig.6-5 ?
xof7fox |
Nov 13th 2013, 16:48 |
1 |
7,419 |
on 13/11/13
by xof7fox
Why is 72 Ohm Impedance center feed point desireable?
xof7fox |
Oct 2nd 2013, 21:10 |
3 |
7,618 |
on 3/10/13
by xof7fox
2006 Taurus Wagon roof mount. (NMO)
wz4hog |
Jul 18th 2013, 23:55 |
2 |
8,068 |
on 31/3/21
by K5RGK
Distance two antennas should be apart
WV0l |
Apr 12th 2014, 18:32 |
3 |
7,086 |
on 13/5/14
by N4ZAW
Transmitter at base of tower?
WU6I |
May 3rd 2021, 17:51 |
3 |
5,844 |
on 4/5/21
by W1VT
Recommendations for HF antenna/tuner for a newbie
wshartjr |
Nov 19th 2014, 19:18 |
2 |
6,227 |
on 19/11/14
by W1VT
how i can make a antenna for 2m yagi
wp4oco |
Oct 30th 2014, 18:53 |
2 |
6,122 |
on 30/10/14
by W1VT
Looking for a source for telescopic poles
Aug 31st 2012, 17:20 |
1 |
7,264 |
on 31/8/12
Rookie antenna tower questions
WoodyBlue |
Apr 9th 2018, 13:52 |
3 |
7,363 |
on 30/4/18
Joel Hallas HF Ground Plane article in 12/2013 QST
WO1X |
Nov 30th 2013, 17:31 |
3 |
6,479 |
on 3/12/13
by W0BTU
Feedline routing and lightning surge protection Suggestions
WK7G |
Mar 23rd 2013, 18:59 |
2 |
9,562 |
on 24/3/13
by W1VT
"thickness" of antennas, and length
WILS760 |
Jul 27th 2021, 14:09 |
4 |
6,155 |
on 22/9/21
by W1VT
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Technology >> Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners
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