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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open over the air antenna failure ae9de Aug 21st 2018, 22:10 5 5,710 on 24/8/18
Open Cuscraft 5el 6m = 5 el 10m N0CHS Aug 20th 2018, 20:03 2 5,884 on 20/8/18
Open loop my garage WB8VMW Aug 13th 2018, 15:57 3 5,855 on 14/8/18
Open Questions about line isolator ag7ov Aug 4th 2018, 20:58 5 6,381 on 7/8/18
by ag7ov
Open Unlimited space with some limits - questions kc4rp Jul 14th 2018, 08:59 3 5,670 on 30/7/18
by kc4rp
Open Will mast hold up in high wind? N0CHS May 27th 2018, 09:35 4 6,334 on 21/7/18
by N0CHS
Open Using Mobile Antenna At Home WD1E Jul 13th 2018, 09:42 3 5,758 on 13/7/18
by WD1E
Open Using Mobile Antenna At Home WD1E Jul 13th 2018, 09:25 1 5,574 on 13/7/18
by WD1E
Open Replacing HAM-M with HAM 4 in Tri-Ex LM354 W7FSI Jun 17th 2018, 18:19 1 5,433 on 17/6/18
by W7FSI
Open Low Noise Antennas W3GWM Jun 6th 2018, 02:44 2 5,802 on 7/6/18
by W1VT
Open 2m/6m wire dipole N0CHS May 23rd 2018, 11:58 3 6,887 on 24/5/18
by W1VT
Open Motorized mobile antenna jmancino May 15th 2018, 16:15 1 5,497 on 15/5/18
by jmancino
Open LDG Tuner problem with Icom rig coralbayfl May 15th 2018, 13:42 1 5,710 on 15/5/18
by coralbayfl
Open connections KM4NSV May 4th 2018, 21:44 3 6,136 on 4/5/18
Open Antenna mount on metal pole barn? KD9KLB Mar 18th 2018, 17:18 2 6,417 on 30/4/18
Open Rookie antenna tower questions WoodyBlue Apr 9th 2018, 13:52 3 6,600 on 30/4/18
Open stacked 2 meter halo antennas SIZE358 Apr 21st 2018, 12:34 2 6,481 on 21/4/18
by W1VT
Open Acrylic sheet for antenna N0CHS Apr 8th 2018, 14:34 2 6,123 on 9/4/18
by W1VT
Open Vertical/End Fed Antenna With No Radials WB1AIJ Apr 4th 2018, 12:24 1 5,850 on 4/4/18
Open Vertical/End Fed Antenna With No Radials WB1AIJ Apr 4th 2018, 12:01 1 5,724 on 4/4/18
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