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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Best way to pass lines through the garage wall? KJ6CBP Apr 24th 2019, 22:59 3 6,374 on 22/5/19
by AG7TD
Open types of 160m antennas rhkeng May 22nd 2019, 18:11 2 5,527 on 23/5/19
by W1VT
Open How to measure the distance between elements? KO2F Jun 7th 2019, 13:23 2 5,846 on 7/6/19
by W1VT
Open Using a fiberglass flagpole as vertical antenna due to HOA constraints KB9FPP Jun 12th 2019, 20:44 2 5,860 on 13/6/19
by W1VT
Open How close is too close? WA6FYV Jun 22nd 2019, 08:26 1 6,031 on 22/6/19
Open duplex vs diplex KM4EON Jul 17th 2019, 06:06 3 5,970 on 17/7/19
Open TLW W0QQG May 14th 2014, 22:30 9 11,547 on 18/7/19
by W1VT
Open A strain-based antenna paves the way for portable long-range transmitters W0UHU Jul 20th 2019, 19:52 1 5,461 on 20/7/19
by W0UHU
Open Electrical Quarter and Half Wave coax length? KR7CM Jul 26th 2019, 17:11 6 5,929 on 29/7/19
by W1VT
Open In need of antenna advise for HF K3XQ Jan 3rd 2019, 02:26 10 8,727 on 6/8/19
by K0UO
Open Difference between driven element and parasitic traps KE0Z Aug 10th 2019, 18:37 1 6,043 on 10/8/19
by KE0Z
Open Sky-Loop Antenna VU2PPP Mar 25th 2014, 09:51 3 8,980 on 10/8/19
by N8PEP
Open W9INN Antennae question kb2loz Sep 10th 2013, 14:57 4 8,378 on 17/8/19
by beatgr56
Open Understanding SWR ralphm Jun 12th 2017, 21:14 4 7,560 on 29/8/19
by N9XR
Open Metal plate for a ground plane on asphalt? W7OMM Aug 31st 2019, 13:03 3 5,941 on 1/9/19
by W7OMM
Open Antennas and trees K6hmp Aug 28th 2019, 23:56 4 6,126 on 4/10/19
Open 2meter Yagi base antenna chickenhead Oct 7th 2019, 20:51 2 5,577 on 8/10/19
by W1VT
Open Antenna tuner for Yaesu 450D jdania Oct 12th 2019, 16:37 1 5,479 on 12/10/19
by jdania
Open depth in ground of feedline pvc conduit alpease Jul 24th 2018, 15:36 2 6,379 on 23/11/19
by W3TDH
Open Install Grounding when you Trench. W3TDH Nov 23rd 2019, 13:02 1 5,852 on 23/11/19
by W3TDH
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