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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open mobile.exe VE3PKC Aug 2nd 2013, 01:27 1 6,080 on 2/8/13
Open Vertical Antenna "Noisy" Oct 13th 2013, 14:30 3 5,748 on 14/10/13
Open Grounding station vs Vertical Antenna and tower VE3SR Oct 28th 2018, 12:56 4 6,503 on 31/3/21
by K5RGK
Open 450 Laying On The Ground? VK4CCV Dec 16th 2018, 19:57 3 6,390 on 19/12/18
Open Sky-Loop Antenna VU2PPP Mar 25th 2014, 09:51 3 8,980 on 10/8/19
by N8PEP
Open Auto transformer for 160m inverted L v_c_nunn Jan 2nd 2016, 23:18 2 5,968 on 3/1/16
by W1VT
Open Auto transformer for 160m inverted L v_c_nunn Jan 2nd 2016, 23:18 1 5,037 on 2/1/16
by v_c_nunn
Open TLW W0QQG May 14th 2014, 22:30 9 11,546 on 18/7/19
by W1VT
Open Antenna Wire Size W0RPS May 10th 2013, 20:50 4 6,198 on 12/5/13
by W0RPS
Open Antenna on deck or dipole in tree? W0SJF Jun 1st 2016, 20:59 3 5,222 on 4/6/16
Open A strain-based antenna paves the way for portable long-range transmitters W0UHU Jul 20th 2019, 19:52 1 5,460 on 20/7/19
by W0UHU
Open Feedline Mismatch Question W1FL Sep 2nd 2013, 13:02 8 6,624 on 22/10/13
by W1VT
Open Underwater 2.45GHz Antenna W1JRZ Dec 18th 2020, 18:51 1 4,615 on 18/12/20
by W1JRZ
Open March 2016 QST Compact Multiband Dipole W1VT Feb 19th 2016, 15:23 1 8,781 on 19/2/16
by W1VT
Open Antenna analyzer vs feedline type W1VT Sep 21st 2012, 14:37 1 10,405 on 21/9/12
by W1VT
Open Availability of antenna installers w2ann Jun 4th 2015, 16:07 2 4,992 on 4/6/15
by W1VT
Open marine mobile antenna - power boat W2HDI Feb 26th 2016, 03:09 3 5,841 on 3/5/16
by N5SMO
Open CushCraft R-9 high SWR W2NM Oct 9th 2016, 13:00 1 5,484 on 9/10/16
by W2NM
Open Remote Antenna Tuner W2NM Jul 22nd 2021, 11:12 2 4,930 on 23/7/21
by W1VT
Open Ed Fong Antennas W3AGF Sep 13th 2016, 22:19 2 5,333 on 14/9/16
by W1VT
Total Topics: 553 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
Total Posts: 1582 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No

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