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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Twin Lead and metal mast? KO0Y Oct 31st 2014, 16:12 2 5,748 on 31/10/14
by aa6e
Open MFJ-949E Tuner with Comet SBB-5 AF9U Nov 6th 2014, 17:28 3 6,181 on 11/11/14
by AF9U
Open Hy-Gain balun coax connector OA4SS Nov 10th 2014, 20:22 5 5,546 on 12/11/14
by OA4SS
Open Recommendations for HF antenna/tuner for a newbie wshartjr Nov 19th 2014, 19:18 2 5,524 on 19/11/14
by W1VT
Open Q on dBi, dBd & dB(nothing) vendor data? xof7fox Nov 20th 2014, 20:31 2 6,146 on 21/11/14
by W1VT
Open ARRL gain scaling definition? NV2K Nov 30th 2014, 00:35 4 6,916 on 4/12/14
Open G5RV Jr. (?) N4MU Dec 5th 2014, 18:23 1 5,723 on 5/12/14
by N4MU
Open MFJ 17754 - 40/20 Dipole N4MU Dec 5th 2014, 18:31 1 5,909 on 5/12/14
by N4MU
Open New Antenna Mast and Antennas ZS6EMS Dec 21st 2014, 15:35 2 6,432 on 2/4/15
Open Tuning a antron 99 ant to ten meters AG5FP Dec 29th 2014, 05:34 2 8,211 on 30/12/14
by 0001582470H80
Open 80 mtr tuned to 160 mtrs KB3FFH Jan 4th 2015, 19:38 4 8,028 on 7/1/15
by W1VT
Open Chimney Mount K6SSN Jan 5th 2015, 03:02 2 5,145 on 5/1/15
Open WA5VJB Cheap Yagi Performance n4qt Feb 11th 2015, 03:01 1 5,453 on 11/2/15
by n4qt
Open Need some general information on tuners n4jrp Feb 12th 2015, 01:25 2 5,297 on 12/2/15
by n4qt
Open J-Pole Ladder Line Questions KK4ZLT Mar 2nd 2015, 17:25 4 5,352 on 2/3/15
by W1VT
Open home built 300 or 450 ohm 0001582470H80 Mar 3rd 2015, 17:41 4 7,346 on 11/5/16
by w7sx5bdxcc
Open PAR ENDFEDZ 20-40m (Attic Installation) KE5VQP Mar 5th 2015, 16:04 1 5,189 on 5/3/15
Open SWR and metal roof KO0Y Mar 15th 2015, 23:47 6 8,350 on 17/3/15
by KO0Y
Open feed lines WA7VIZ Mar 16th 2015, 05:12 1 5,159 on 16/3/15
Open VHF/UHF mobile antenna on motorhome K6SDW Mar 19th 2015, 06:13 4 5,763 on 26/7/15
by W9CMG
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