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General Technical Q & A

This forum provides a place for members to ask technical questions and to answer general technical questions of others. There are also specific technical areas for questions and answers, such as RFI and equipment testing.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Important Topics
Closed Sticky: How to find answers to many technical questions W1RFIAdmin Jul 26th 2011, 00:03 1 16,424 on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Closed Sticky: Members answering other members' questions W1RFIAdmin Jul 26th 2011, 00:22 1 15,139 on 26/7/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Closed Sticky: Thanks to all the Elmers here! W1RFIAdmin Aug 2nd 2011, 21:18 1 14,724 on 2/8/11
by W1RFIAdmin
Regular Topics
Open Shaking hands while soldering W1RFIAdmin Aug 4th 2011, 20:06 2 8,742 on 5/8/11
by W1VT
Open 20 Meter Folded Dipole Antenna KF5BBB Feb 13th 2012, 14:04 3 8,768 on 2/3/12
by W1VT
Open Installing HF Antenna on 2009 Corvette? 0006057334H80 Jul 24th 2011, 18:48 6 8,822 on 29/7/11
by k9kuz
Open Converting satellite dish to ham radio? W1VT Aug 8th 2011, 12:19 1 8,898 on 8/8/11
by W1VT
Open Roller Inductor Tuner WA0CBW Dec 20th 2011, 19:26 1 8,908 on 20/12/11
Open Raspberry Pi / GPS / Roving / Grid Chasing KA5FZU Sep 16th 2018, 12:57 1 8,910 on 16/9/18
Open Suggested radio for beginner lkhedge Jul 21st 2012, 21:16 5 8,925 on 16/2/14
by K6DMB
Open Mic Gain Adjustment lboulis Jan 26th 2012, 00:58 5 8,935 on 28/1/12
Open Amplifier Tubes W5RAA Mar 5th 2015, 15:34 8 9,024 on 5/4/15
by Morris
Open Icom IC-761 CAT/CIV Interface K1BBB Mar 6th 2014, 13:04 10 9,099 on 7/3/14
by K1BBB
Open Freestyle Lite Blood Glucose Meter Cable N2LWN Apr 18th 2012, 19:41 2 9,112 on 7/6/12
by N2LWN
Open Open Wire Lightning Arrestor W1VT Aug 2nd 2011, 15:00 5 9,183 on 11/8/11
by aa6e
Open Butternut HF6V Vertical antenna how much far from a fence? vassile52 Jan 2nd 2012, 03:44 2 9,220 on 10/1/12
by KE8DO
Open Forum avatars? aa6e Aug 17th 2011, 16:45 5 9,238 on 21/8/11
by G0KZZ
Open European AM'er Needs Help WB1GCM Aug 25th 2011, 19:45 3 9,312 on 23/11/11
by k4hx
Open ic718 transmit power problem jgospo24 Nov 1st 2017, 16:23 8 9,410 on 5/11/17
by jgospo24
Open Icom IC-9100 - "Unknown Device" la1xja Dec 17th 2011, 15:52 7 9,477 on 30/5/16
Open How do I ground my station in a rental home? Terrykq7k Jul 14th 2011, 17:53 7 9,478 on 30/7/11
by KE8DO
Open Ground conductivity W0OLL Jul 28th 2011, 18:36 4 9,498 on 29/7/11
by w1rfi
Open Station Grounding N9AH Oct 27th 2011, 19:56 5 9,617 on 26/1/12
Total Topics: 606 Increases Post Count: No Can Read Topics: Yes Can Create Topics: No
Total Posts: 1756 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No
Moderators: w1rfi

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