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Antenna Tuners

Apr 1st 2014, 16:02

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I'm looking into getting an Icom IC-7100, which means I'll also need to look into getting an antenna tuner. I'd like to get one antenna tuner, and not have to ever worry about needing a different one. That said, I was checking out an MFJ HF+6m, roller tuner:

And it looks like this thing will do everything. My question is, can I also use it to tune Full Wave Loop antennas? I saw that they have loop tuners at MFJ as well, and didn't know if that's one antenna that shouldn't, or cannot be used with a standard tuner.

Matthew, K1BBB
Apr 2nd 2014, 13:32

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The MFJ loop tuners are specialty tuners for tuning low loss transmitting loops that are under a quarter wave in circumference. They clearly aren't for everyone--the tuning range is quite limited for a given transmitting loop size, and need to be mounted at the loop feedpoint to obtain good results.

Before purchasing any MFJ product, I suggest downloading the manual.
The manual clearly talks about antenna situations that this tuner will have difficulty.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

Jul 24th 2014, 02:42

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I figured that I would post a follow up. It's been a few months and I have learned a lot!

I did end up purchasing an IC-7100 and a MFJ-969 antenna tuner. And I have had very good luck using it. I have matched a number of antennas that I have hand built to it. Currently I am using a 40m Full Wave Delta Loop Antenna for everything from 80m down to 10m. And I have made contacts on all bands in that range. The Radio is working fantastically, and the tuner will match any antenna to 1:1, so far no matter what.

If you read the reviews at - you might second guess getting the MFJ-969. That said, I would say that many of the draw backs may have been addressed, and the antenna tuner works as I would expect.

I am currently running a max of 100w through the tuner, so that might be part of why it works perfectly for me. Also, my radio is quite the work horse. And although, many of my contacts have not been outside of the country, I believe that is due to the band conditions and my antenna selection.

If you are considering a tuner, I certainly recommend this MFJ-969. Please let me know if you have questions.

Matthew, K1BBB

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