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May 20th 2014, 18:56

Joined: Today, 16:58
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"Our next big announcement concerns our online logbook. Many, many folks have asked us for LoTW integration and we're pleased to announce that this is now available to all Logbook subscribers. This means that if you're an LoTW user, you can push your QRZ logs directly to LoTW with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. The logbook offers options to send individual QSO's, lists of QSO's, or even your entire logbook directly to LoTW. We have created a configuration page which allows you to import your LoTW certificate into QRZ so that we can sign and send the logs on your behalf."

According to page 4 at they have you export a certificate which is not protected by a password. Then you upload that unlocked certificate to their server,

This seems to me to be a dilution of the identity assurance provided by LoTW.

edit: a word
May 23rd 2014, 13:18

Joined: Today, 16:58
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This is a good thing. The largest hurdle to doing LoTW is getting the cert. As long as LoTW requires digital signing of logs, using a single-use PKI program, nothing will solve that.

This solves one problem: Moving TQSL certs around to machines. I need to keep 4 installations of TQSL in sync with each other, which is a general, all around, pain in the arse.

Not anymore: I submit my keys to QRZ, and they hang onto them for me.

Digitally singing logs is a silly requirement anyways. All it does is prove who SUBMITTED logs. And, do we really need to do that, beyond user name/password auth?

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