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W1AW/portable and LOTW

Jun 12th 2014, 03:22

Joined: Today, 15:29
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I've made some contact's with some of the portable stations and haven't gotten credit for it on the LOTW site, Are some of the operators not uploading logs?

Jun 12th 2014, 19:02

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Jun 11, 2014: Some W1AW portable log uploads are not complete -- No need to write and ask about the latest W1AW portable operations and why you aren't in the log -- at least not for a month or so past the operation. We have uploaded partial logs for SD, NY, and CO and are waiting for the rest. You can see the status of these operations on the Leader Board pages.
Jun 12th 2014, 21:53

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That is the link i was looking for, If you DON"T ask you will never know anything :)

Thanks and 73
Aug 19th 2014, 15:21

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Beyond the obvious things like call, band, and date matching, the time must fall within a 30 minute window for a QSL match to occur. I have had at least QSL match fail due to the W1AW portable op logging on paper and then guessing the time of the QSO later. He was 33 minutes off of my computer logged time for the contact. I would guess this could be happening with other QSOs that have not been confirmed as of several months even though I'm reasonably certain the op did not bust my call at the time. As it is trivial to keep a computer's time synced via NTP, it almost seems inexcusable for QSO times to differ by more than a few seconds.

73, Nate
Sep 12th 2014, 19:47

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I had to go into my logs on QRZ and redo them, Had to put in the wiaw/? in by the add qso and then will show the /? and then it will log it from that portable and shows up on lotw that way as well. Cant do it from the normal spot on qrz and put w1aw/p and it will be w1aw not the /p station.

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