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May 16th 2015, 21:14

Joined: Today, 15:17
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Can someone explain to me how to import to Kenwood memory program a specific memory group? I see in setup to name a memory group 0-9, however, when I upload an upcoming travel trip with area repeaters, it replaces my existing local repeaters and I don't see an opportunity to select "Desired Memory Group" (or something similar).

I originally thought that you highlight the memory locations you want, however, once the .TPE file selection is made, the highlighting disappears.

I want to keep the existing repeaters I have had setup and add about 50 in memory 100-150 (Group 1) for my upcoming trip. I'm programming a TM-V71A.

Thank you in advance for any help to make this happen!

Jeff, KD1WZ
May 18th 2015, 18:31

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new link 8/23/21
RT Systems may sell a program with the functionality you need.
May 19th 2015, 03:42

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Thanks Zachary for the lead... -Jeff
Aug 20th 2021, 16:28

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I went to the link and got a 404 error. That's where I stopped. Anyone have a newer link?
Aug 23rd 2021, 08:26

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