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advice on tuner, please

Dec 5th 2015, 22:44

Joined: Today, 15:02
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This general (/AG!) newbie has a very simple rig: a marine mobile Icom ic725, LDG 100 tuner, and 23' vertical whip. The tuner matched
4-30 mHz until I added a ceramic insulator through my steel boat, and lengthened the feed line by a couple of feet in the process. A local ham has recommended a manual tuner, which is fine with me; I'd like to know whats going on in my system rather than just being frustrated when the green light doesn't come on. Is that good advice, and would a MFJ-945-E do the job, ordo you have a better idea. Thanks. I've got a lot to learn. --Tim.
Dec 5th 2015, 23:16

Joined: Today, 15:02
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There is a download to a January 1995 QST that describes how to optimally tune a common T network transmatch.

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