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Even very low power on VHF/UHF sets off smoke detectors

Jan 6th 2016, 18:07

Joined: Today, 15:40
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All three of my HTs that transmit VHF/UHF will cause my combination smoke/CO detectors (AC powered, interconnected) to chirp 3 times.

ID-51 - Super low power (.1 W) is safe
Vx-8dr - Low power (1.5W) causes issue
Old Yeasu - Low power (1.5W) causes issue

My IC-7100 also causes the issue except at very low power (<2W)

I've seen various comments in different places that ferrite chokes can help if put on the interconnection lines and the power lines to the detectors. In reading some of the articles on the RFI page it looks like I might want to use different chokes than what I picked up at HRO.

Does anybody have experience with solving this kind of RFI problem? Opinions?

Thanks and 73,


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