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New to satellites. Rig operating question

Jan 27th 2016, 01:51


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Hello Folks. I'm somewhat new to LEO satellites and have a few questions about the proper use of my rig. I'm using a Kenwood TS-2000 in sat full duplex mode. I understand that I should leave my TX frequency alone, do not move it. Is this correct? When trying to find my downlink, I use the RIT function to find myself. As the satellite is moving across the sky, I should be adjusting the RIT to compensate for doppler, correct? If I decide to change my operating frequency at this point, what do I do with the RIT control, leave it alone or clear it and start the RIT again. If the RIT is left as is, will I still continue to track properly? I just need a bit of advice about what to do with this control. Also, is it best for me to put the headphones on so the speaker noise will not come across my transmit? Thanks for any advice you can give me. Joe N3JNX

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