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March 2016 QST Compact Multiband Dipole

Feb 19th 2016, 15:23


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I've gotten a few questions about my article on pages 45 and 46 of the March 2016 QST.

Q. Can I use it with a tuner on 30 meters?
A. I don't recommend it. While it is better than no antenna, the loss with 50 ft of RG-58 is over 5 dB. Popular implementations of the G5RV have a similar loss on 10 meters--where this antenna has a very poor reputation.
You will have more fun if you use it on the bands for which it designed.

Q. Is there really 7' of wire connecting the antenna wire to the Window Line--seems like a lot of wire?
A. Yes there is. Unlike like a conventional electrical circuit, there is no need to minimize radiation. This is an antenna--we want it to radiate. The long wire is needed to provide strain relief and a minimization of stress on the soldered connection. The unsoldered wrapping of wire is more reliable outdoors in the wind than a soldered connection. The window line is merely stripped of insulation--the end of the antenna wire is wrapped around it and soldered.

Zack Lau W1VT

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