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Antenna Weight - Carolina Windom

Mar 18th 2016, 19:59

Joined: Today, 17:23
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I'm considering a 160 meter Carolina Windom between trees. Center about 50 foot high and ends about 20 feet. The feedline would hang about 1/2 way between the center and end with no support. What kind of sag would I get with the weight of the baluns and coax without tension so tight that might break something? Not sure I could rig up some sort of support for the feedpoint. Seems like nobody considers the weight the baluns put on an antenna. Anybody with experiance?

Ron, KD6E

Mar 19th 2016, 16:05

Joined: Today, 17:23
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Here is a table that may help out.

I use top loaded wire verticals on 80 and 160 meters. Even though they are just 40 ft high, I have 4400 contacts on 80 and 3000 on 160.

Zack W1VT

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