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Hallicrafters HT37 & SX101A

Jan 30th 2017, 17:27


Joined: Aug 26th 2012, 16:55
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I apologize for posting this in this forum. Don't know where else to go.

I have a Hallicrafters HT37 & SX101A, I wish to give away. I will ship if reimbursed. I am a Tech and currently have no knowledge of vintage radios or capabilities for monitoring. These radios were given to me by a third party, because I have a operators license. The Original owner was SK. I was informed they work, but have no knowledge. My opinion is they are in good condition. I do not want to junk these radios. I prefer to give them to someone that has knowledge to operate.

Please email me. I will send photos and answer questions if I am able.

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