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Do I need a antenna analyzer?

Sep 23rd 2011, 19:07

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I recently moved into an apartment with the usual problems associated with antenna type and placement.

I have from many years ago (never needed them) a Dentron Junior antenna tuner and a Dentron 'All band' Doublet (134 feet fed with 450 ohm twin lead) .I cut the doublet to half the length as I only intend to operate 10-40 meters. I intend to use this antenna in either a 'bend to fit' or loop install, whatever it takes to fit inside the apartment. I'll be using a Alinco DX77 in low power mode, QRP to work cw only. The Dentron tuner has a 4-1 balun, just for info purposes, and will work with the ladder line.

THe ARRL book on limited space antenna installs, suggest that I buy a antenna analyzer. Is that a good idea?

Sep 24th 2011, 08:00

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I do not see your need to have an antenna analyzer if you are using a tuner anyway, but it would not hurt to have one, I have one.
I would start with the antenna as long as you have room for instead of just cutting it in half, and see how it tunes on the bands that you want to use. Also, you could use part of what you cut off to connect it in parallel with the longer wire, like a fan dipole, if you have the room. That may help it tune better on 20 meters. With all the interactions with the AC wiring and other effects, it will be hard to know how it will tune until you try. Good luck. Your other problem will be in picking up noise from the apartments in your receiver.
73 Don KE8DO
Sep 25th 2011, 01:16

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Using an analyzer lets you see first hand where the antenna assembly is at electrically.
It gives you an idea of what changes you need to make to satisfy your goal and equipment you have to work with.
Otherwise you can take longer and do the cut and try routine until you get to the same point.

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