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Building hand held Yagi for LEO satellites

Jan 29th 2018, 12:25


Joined: Sep 18th 2016, 17:42
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Howdy, fairly new here and having fun so far, I have been looking at building a Yagi to use LEO satellites with a handheld radio. I have the build design, my question is, and you that have been at this awhile, after you stop laughing at my technical ignorance :) could perhaps tell me what I need to be able to transmit AND receive without using two separate radios, is there a type of ‘splitter’ (for lack of a better term) like we used to use for television. Anyways when you stop chuckling, point me in the right direction please. Can be reached here or at

Thank you, God Bless
Feb 1st 2018, 12:22


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MAY 2008 - QST (PG. 42)

Dual Band Handy Yagi
Author: Hart, Thomas, AD1B
Article: QST Archive
I'd search on "AD1B"

Zak Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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