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RFI-quiet computer monitors?

Jun 27th 2018, 11:39


Joined: Dec 2nd 2017, 11:40
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Recently I was given a nice Windows 7 desktop computer that came with a couple of ASUS ~25" LED monitors.

Unfortunately, when I use the computer and monitors with an SDR (SDRplay RSPduo, software SDRUno), I get a barrage of vertical lines in the waterfall on many bands when the monitors are turned on. I've verified that the RFI is coming from the monitors, as it disappears when I briefly turn the monitors off.

I've taken a few steps such as wrapping cables around ferrite toroids, moving the SDR away from the monitors, etc. This has helped slightly, but in the long run I'd like to invest in monitors known to be RFI-quiet. Are there any out there known to be benign? I see another post here with a suggestion to create a registry of RFI-quiet appliances. This would be a great idea, and getting some suggestions on computer monitors would be terrific.
Jun 28th 2018, 08:06


Super Moderator

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Perhaps you could visit a store that sells monitors and listen to them with a handheld radio to determine the rf-quiet ones. But, monitors run at many different settings, so exhaustively testing them may not be practical. Also, I've heard interference that only shows up when when I run my logging program.

Zak W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Sep 5th 2018, 20:55


Joined: Dec 5th 2015, 23:25
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my sdruno play does not receive.Harold kk6zml

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