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Is the ARRL Non-profit? or "For-Profit?"

Jul 25th 2018, 14:52

Joined: Today, 15:55
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Hello. Is the ARRL a "For-Profit" company? If they are non-profit, then why do they charge so much money for training and testing materials? If there is no profit motivation, then why not just list downloadable PDFs of the materials?
I understand what it takes to run an organization and by no means do I think everything whould be "just free." However I do wonder where all the money goes?
---Or is that just none of my business?
Jul 26th 2018, 07:47

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Both. Part of it is a non-profit. But, we pay taxes on the publication side.

The courses cost money because people earn credits and/or certifications for completing the courses. It costs money to properly give out those credits.

Zak Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer
Aug 1st 2018, 16:38

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From everything I have ever read the ARRL positions and advertises itself as an "advocate" for the US Amateur radio community. I guess it would be helpful if this organization were to publish the note "Not all funds you spend with us are used for the greater good. Some of us make $$$ off of some if it. Not all of this is public service."

(I'd LOVE it if someone would pay me to enjoy my hobbies...)

Aug 2nd 2018, 10:35

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You can download the annual reports to see where the money goes.

Income taxes
The League is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code. However, the League is subject to federal and state income tax as a result of unrelated
business income arising from net advertising income. There are no unrelated business income tax
liabilities for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016.

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