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19" Rack-mountable equipment

Dec 23rd 2018, 19:36


Joined: Aug 23rd 2016, 22:57
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It would be nice if the QST reviews would mention whether a product is mountable in a standard 19" equipment rack (or if the manufacturer offers optional rack-mounting ears to attach to the sides of the chassis), and if so, how many "U" it requires (e.g., 2U, 3U...).

This begs the question as to why so much ham gear is willy-nilly when it comes to form factor. Coming from broadcast radio and being relatively new to amateur radio, it is frustrating to deal with the seemingly random chassis shapes and sizes of ham gear. Yes, anything can be placed in a rack by putting it on a rack-mountable shelf, but shelving disrupts the ventilation airflow compared to flush-mounted gear that extends across the full 19" opening.

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