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Mar 25th 2019, 15:35


Joined: Mar 25th 2019, 00:52
Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 0
Hello all. I just received my license from the FCC. My call is AG7TD. I went ahead and took all three tests at once and managed to pass all three.

I have been reading ARRL publications for years and decided that, since I am now licensed, that I could benefit from membership.

Currently my rig is an Icon IC-7300 red into a random length wire via a 9:1 transformer.

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to the members.

Terry Frelich AG7TD
Mar 27th 2019, 06:07


Joined: Mar 24th 2019, 08:24
Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 0
Welcome Terry,
Good job on all the tests. That had to have been quite a day.
I'm a new old timer myself...I've been licensed since I was 16 in 1983...been out of it for awhile, but I just moved from the city to the country and now, with room for an antenna farm, I'm getting back into it.

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