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Mar 31st 2019, 11:21

Joined: Today, 16:54
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My submission to the FCC on RM-11828: (ARRL proposal to give Technicians more frequencies just because:
I am licensed as K1OIK. My daughter passed the technician Plus when she was eight years old. Anyone wanting the privileges the ARRL seeks merely needs to study to bring themselves to the level of a third grader. Sadly we are in a society where in all too many cases people want privileges with out earning them. I got my license the old fashioned way, I earned it. The primary reason the ARRL advances this proposal is they see their membership declining and will water down the amateur radio service to keep themselves afloat.
The question is will the FCC be an accomplice to the ARRL in making an amateur license nearly worthless?
May 3rd 2019, 09:24

Joined: Today, 16:54
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I have no issue with offering additional limited HF privileges to Techs. I've always thought the entry level license needed to offer more than CW and a little phone on 10 meters to give new licensees a chance to acquaint themselves with HF. And the digital modes do seem to appeal to the next generation of hams we need to be attracting to the hobby. But we should also acknowledge two other barriers: HF operation, in general, is discouraged by our modern high density housing. We need to promote greater use of remote access of shared HF antenna sites. Secondly, the #1 reason people tell me they left the hobby was "there was no one to talk to." We need to work harder to promote QSOs and public service communications on VHF/UHF. Too many repeaters sit idle 99% of the time. The PAPA system of linked repeaters in Southern California is a best practice model, offering a regular series of topical nets that encourage conversations rather than just check-ins.

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