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Balloon Tracking On WSPR / Special Callsigns For Balloon Telemetry

May 27th 2020, 11:06


Joined: Feb 14th 2016, 15:01
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Not sure if this is the right discussion board but WSPR is indeed a digital mode - albeit a slow digital mode.

I am new to HAM Radio and initially got my Technician license to use APRS on my high altitude balloons. I am expanding into Pico Balloons that use both APRS and WSPR and I have obtained my General license also in order to use WSPR.

It's pretty likely that I will have multiple pico balloons in flight at the same time. I know that APRS website will differentiate between balloons with the dash number. KC3GMG-2, KC3GMG-3, KC3GMG-11, etc.

However it appears that only uses the callsign. Is there a way to differentiate between balloons on WSPRNET? (Other than location of course). Pico Balloons are typically tracked most of the time using WSPR and I want the students to be able to specifically track the balloon they helped launch.

WSPRNET.ORG also has an option to disregard callsigns that include "Q and 0, typically used for balloon telemetry". This begs the question - can I get additional callsigns specifically for my balloon telemetry?? If so, how???

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