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Installing Wire Antennas High Up

Jun 14th 2020, 11:31

Joined: Today, 17:09
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I have a G5RV that I would like to hang 50 or 60 feet up in the trees. I would like to do it correctly with pulleys, anchors, etc., rather than using slingshots, bows and arrows and the like that put rope over branches.

Question: can anyone offer suggestions how to go about finding local people who can climb and do the installation correctly? Tree trimmers can climb but I am not sure how well they do installing the hardware.

Suggestions appreciated. Tnx.
Jun 15th 2020, 10:20

Joined: Today, 17:09
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That may be a question for your local section manager. The section manager visits local clubs and often knows about resources like that. A contest club can also be a good resource. Contesters are constantly improving their antenna systems.

Zak W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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