Was there a purpose for "ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio"?
Jan 17th 2021, 14:33 | |
w4tvjTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
Curious to read the 17 Jan 2021 News article, "ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio". Was this a general (and gentle) reminder to ARRL members regarding the history and raison d'être? Or was this a subtle warning regarding the recent events in Washington, DC? [For the moderator - if there is a better forum location for this post, please move it there.] 73, de W4TVJ (Ted) ===Updated posting 20 Jan 2021=== It's unfortunate that, thus far, there has been *crickets* [radio silence] from ARRL on this post. Perhaps this is not the correct place for this topic. In this news item, coupled with the FCC Enforcement news posting, one might have thought that ARRL would have been leaning forward to offer assistance to various federal and state emergency operations centers or joint information centers. Either ARES or the Volunteer Monitor Program could have been deployed as an asset, under Emergency Support Function 2. That should fit nicely into ARRL's mission and purpose. 73 W4TVJ (Ted) |
Jan 17th 2021, 19:19 | |
KA3FTZTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
Concur and same question, please advise. KA3FTZ - Chemist (Retired) |
Jan 17th 2021, 20:31 | |
N2NJLTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
Really??? I am still trying to figure out what is going on. Jeff N2NJL |
Jan 18th 2021, 11:25 | |
K9RONTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I agree with all three other posts. I'm not sure what this means or who it is aimed at. If we don't have the whole story we will not know if we are the ones doing exactly what the don't want us to do, what ever that is. K9RON |
Jan 22nd 2021, 15:45 | |
AI4BJTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I'm sure it was related to recent news reports such as this one: https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/increasingly-militant-parler-refugees-anxious-qanon-adherents-prep-doomsday-n1254775 Mark AI4BJ |
Jan 23rd 2021, 19:29 | |
KA3FTZTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
The ARRL should answer the question here. KA3FTZ - Chemist (Retired) |
Jan 24th 2021, 16:04 | |
AI4BJTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
My experience has been that the only ARRL personnel who tend to post in these forums are members of the technical staff. You will have much better luck (I always have) by reaching out to your Division Director or a member of the executive team via email: http://www.arrl.org/officers Mark AI4BJ |
Jan 24th 2021, 17:40 | |
KA3FTZTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I sent an email to W3TOM asking about this and remarking on the dead silence for an ARRL response thus far. KA3FTZ - Chemist (Retired) |
Feb 4th 2021, 19:08 | |
w4tvjTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
Below is a reply from a ARRL section manager ... Good Afternoon, and thanks for your email. I haven't heard much from HQ about that statement. Coming on the heels of the FCC's reminder, I'd guess that it was just to reiterate where the league stands. The FCC's reminder came right after the attack in DC. From what I can gather, amateur or GMRS or CB frequencies were used by some of these folks. I suspect that it may not have even been licensed amateurs, but rather people who just went on Amazon and bought a $25 Baofeng. I think the vast majority of licensed amateurs are very cognizant of the FCC regulations concerning the illegal use of the spectrum. Not to mention the fact I have always found amateur radio operators to be the most civic-minded, patriotic group of folks you could ever hope to find. I would think it would be darn near impossible to find anyone in our ranks who would use their radio capabilities in an attack on the government of the USA. At any rate, the FCC didn't change or modify any regulations. Their notice was just a reminder of existing rules, and the ARRL has always stood for following FCC regulations. So in that sense, there was nothing new...just a reminder of where the FCC and the ARRL stand...historically and currently. That might not have answered your question, but I really haven't heard much about the exact reasons behind what was released in the announcement. As always, please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. 73, |