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Lightning Arrestors

Feb 17th 2021, 13:40

Joined: Today, 15:46
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I have a hustler 6btv vertical Antenna. At the base of the Antenna I installed a lightning arrestor and ground rod, in the feed line. Recently I read an article that it will do nothing other than degrade the antenna and increase the swr. Would it be better to relocate the arrestor away from the antenna base and closer to the house entrance. (about 50' away from ant.)
Feb 18th 2021, 07:50

Joined: Today, 15:46
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I doubt that placing the arrestor at the base of the antenna will have any effect on SWR or degrade the antenna performance in any meaningful way.

With that being said, the National Electric Code requires that the antenna coax be grounded to the household earth safety ground prior to the coax entering the building. So that is the more typical spot for the lightning arrestor as it also satisfies this grounding requirement. Even if you are not subject to NEC in your area, it is still a good practice to follow.

- Glenn W9IQ

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