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New Modes on 60m: Time for a Band Plan?

Nov 23rd 2011, 19:23

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I see in the News and Features that the FCC has released new rules for 60m that allows CW and digital/RTTY on this "band". In order to avoid utter mode chaos, perhaps it's time to formulate a band plan (or perhaps the better term is a "channel plan" for the band. I.e. a couple channels for SSB, a channel for CW, maybe 1 for RTTY and one for PSK31 and other digi modes. (though given the limited BW, perhaps just the narrowest band digi modes make sense) The neat thing about PSK31 is that one channel is almost like an entire band!
Perhaps this is already in the works?
Nov 24th 2011, 03:19

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I further propose that we have licensed psychologists available to help amateurs who have rigs that won't tx on 60...and when those amateurs find one that does, they realize they're not txing in the middle of the frequency, and begin to lose their minds. It's the least we can do for those of us driven mad by a very strange allocation.
Nov 24th 2012, 18:45

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I Have been operating on 60M CW since the mode was authorized in march of this year. One band plan is advising CW ops to start on the first unoccupied freq up from the lowest "channel", the other band plan I found is giving the opposite advice, start calling on the first open freq from the high end of the band. I usually start calling on 5332 and go up if there is SSB or other traffic there.

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