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LOTW is broken

May 15th, 08:32


Joined: Feb 16th 2015, 02:29
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Since 11:00 GMT today I have not been able to get into LOTW, don't know what time it might have gone down....
May 15th, 17:33


Joined: Aug 17th 2019, 00:57
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Any word What, Why & When?
May 16th, 09:51


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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LoTW not working last 2 days. N5WX
May 18th, 11:26


Joined: Sep 30th 2021, 16:31
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Had to have been hacked by ransomware. Unfortunately they just need to pay the ransom. A company I used to work for was hacked with ransomware and the experts could not fix it quickly. They said it would cost a lot more than the ransom to fix it. The legal folks said the same thing. Just have to improve anti hacking stuff after the fact. This is becoming a way of life in the internet age. Nobody wants to enable the crooks by paying them, but it seems there is usually no choice if you want to keep your customers. The company I worked for had the intrusion due to an employee opening an email that then infected the whole system.

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