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Does your school have and use an HF or VHF Station

Does your school have and use an HF or VHF Station
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Feb 9th 2012, 22:45

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I am curious about how "radio active' your school is and the type of equipment you have.

If you don't and would like to have an HF or VHF station at your school I urge you to apply for an ARRL ETP School Station Grant. Go to this link:

In no time you will be have your own school station up and running.


Nathan McCray K9CPO
ARRL ETP Instructor
Mar 15th 2012, 19:49

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We are in the process of having our own station. For the present I bring in a rig and set up a portable antenna.We did participate in Kids School
club roundup
Mar 18th 2012, 03:45

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Hi Nathan,

Good to find you here. You might remember me from the first TI-2 workshop.

This is the first school year that I started with kids who were licensed. I have brought my FT-890 to school and we made a few contacts during the School Contest Roundup. We are still trying to figure out how to deal with the S9 noise levels that are present at my school. I should have a few more kids licensed next month and at that point we will start looking to build a school station. I am also thinking that a weather station linked to APRS would be nice for our earth science students to use. When we get a little further along in the planning process we will probably apply for an ETP school station grant.


Mar 20th 2012, 15:48

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At Tulsa Community College, we use my call as we never have gotten around to get a ARC call. Students are free to use their calls and during contest. Our station set up is
HF: FT450, SDR-IQ, AL811, Antennas: 3 ele Tri Jr., 40m sloper, 40-160m L-wire, and 6 band CC Vert.
VHF/UHF: Transverters 432 MHz and 1296 MHz, Antennas 16 * 10 ele yagi array (70cm EME) and a 8 ft long Horn (HB) for 23cm can see on QRZ.
The frequency we do antenna contest on is 432 MHz. All students are required to design and build and antenna for the contest.

Tommy WD5AGO
Jul 17th 2014, 14:18

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I would like to use my equipment to gain some interest of the next year. If the students enjoy the activities like -school round up- we should be able to get full community support.

This is the first time using the forum so I want also wanted to see how it works. It seems like there is a fair interest in the this section of the forum so im sure there are a few people who are going through the same process.

Jul 19th 2014, 00:46

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Hi Rick, your post made it just fine. Monitoring here.

Sep 25th 2014, 14:26

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I have an IC706 from the ARRL grant. Unfortunately, there is much electrical noise around my school so HF radio contacts are not possible. However, my students connect with other local high school students via 2m repeaters. We make antennas, simulate emergency communications between schools, and do fox hunts with the local club. I teach physics and integrate the Technician licence material into my class. All of my students pass the mock Technician exam and seem to enjoy the physics unit. Unfortunately, none of my students want to take the actual Technician exam in a VE session. They are content with their cellular telephones.

Next year we move to a new school building. I'm optimistic the new facility will allow better HF communications. The world geography teacher and I have planned some joint lessons.


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