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How to realize that the site is ineffective?

Mar 21st, 07:19

Joined: Feb 22nd, 16:39
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I would like to hear your opinion on a question I have. How do you realize that the site is not working efficiently? It seems to load, there is content, but the results are not pleasing - few applications, visitors quickly leave, and conversions are almost nonexistent. What could be the reasons?
Mar 21st, 09:18

Joined: Feb 22nd, 16:42
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Hi! You are absolutely right to note that ineffective website performance can manifest itself in low number of applications, high bounce rate and poor conversion rate. One of the key performance indicators is conversion rate - the percentage of visitors who make a targeted action (purchase, subscription, application). If this indicator is low, it's worth looking into what's wrong. There are several options: the site may be inconvenient for users, the content is not interesting, or advertising leads to a non-target audience. Another common problem is technical errors, such as slow loading pages, incorrect display on mobile devices, or a complicated application form. To remedy the situation, you can contact a conversion rate optimization agency, where specialists will conduct an audit, test different versions of pages, analyze user behavior and suggest specific improvements.
Today, 03:51


Joined: Feb 21st, 12:23
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I think the effectiveness of a website depends on a lot of factors, and the problem can be several things at the same time. Sometimes even a small barrier, such as a form that is too long to fill out or an awkward interface, can significantly reduce conversion rates. And it happens that just the wrong audience comes to the site, and then, no matter how much you improve the design or texts, the result will not be. So it is important to take a comprehensive approach - analyze, test and experiment.

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