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Uploads Successful for N7YQ

Jul 9th 2012, 04:48

Joined: Today, 14:38
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After many months of inputting my paper log books to a computer logging program I have successfully uploaded over 9000 QSO's dating from November 1998 to the present into
LoTW. Additionally I had my two previous call sign DXCC Awards linked into this database. My two previous calls were K6YYQ and N2YQ.

I have been on all bands 160 meters through 2 meters and if there are individuals that need Nevada that I may have worked since 1998 and have not yet joined LoTW this might be the time.

The whole process has been easy and to my surprise the matrix really helps me know what I need to work to get to the top.

73 and good job ARRL. Stan

Nov 13th 2015, 19:53

Joined: Today, 14:38
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Stan, Good job. I too got a card checker I know and between him and LOTW, I got all
my cards caught up from way back and two
different calls. I had to call the ARRL DXCC desk a couple of time, (apprently my 7O1AA card doesn't count), :). This system works great!

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