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Contesting ethics

Mar 11th 2012, 20:53


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Hey, Randy, did you hear me work that Nebraska station?
Mar 20th 2012, 07:19


Joined: Mar 19th 2012, 14:18
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I don't believe its un-ethical at all, I just don't think that it would really work that well in a contest. Most of those stations are going to be running there own frequencies because they know they will be needed and stations will come to them. Its up to you to find them if you want the sweep. Just my opinion.
May 11th 2014, 04:00


Joined: Apr 10th 2013, 23:32
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What about state QSO parties where you're in the target state? In that case, rotating sections might actually speed things up. Any thoughts? I'm a newbie, just one contest thus far.


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