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Jul 24th 2013, 18:41

Joined: Today, 14:56
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Do I understand correctly that Walt Maxwell work will not be included in the ARRL publications? Please straighten me out on this. Thanks Gary.
Jul 24th 2013, 19:30

Joined: Today, 14:56
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Another Look at Reflections
Everything you wanted to know about SWR … and then some.

The series, as originally printed in QST, appears on our website as a free membership benefit.

It would be great if Walt were around to write a condensed and modernized version of these 68 pages for the Antenna Book, taking into account modern rigs, foldback circuitry, and auto-tuners, but obviously that can't happen, as he became a silent key last year.

Zack Lau W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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