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2M Mobile Dec 15th 2012, 23:16 5 7,286 on 20/12/12

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2M Mobile 0010052370H80 on 18/12/12
Or maybe I won't be using the "High Current" outlet after reading k0bg's information after all.
2M Mobile 0010052370H80 on 18/12/12
Thank you. I'll be using the "High current" outlet, it's fused at 30A.
2M Mobile 0010052370H80 on 15/12/12
Simple question for anyone who's done it. I would like to install a 2M rig, 50w max power in my pickup, a 2002 Ford. I'm concerned about the OBD-II computer that runs the engine being damaged by stray RF, and the astronomical replacement cost. Since I'm not planning a permanent install I would prefer to use the high current socket on the dashboard and a mag mount antenna. A box in the power cord with some caps & chokes will be added. Is this enough?


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