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Phantom QSL's arriving May 5th 2020, 21:45 2 6,523 on 6/5/20

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Phantom QSL's arriving drcushing on 5/5/20
I have been a ham since 1980 and this is a first for me. I have a TS590SG with almost zero hours on it - In fact, It has been on my desk but signals are rare here with my in the shack wire running around the room at the ceiling joint. I am not set up for Digital yet and the radio is not connected to the PC. Here is my perplexion -

I have received approx 5 (1 just yesterday) QSL cards from people claiming QSO's with me on digital modes. How can this be when the radio is hardly even turned on and I have yet to do my first real qso in THIS rig...

Perplexed in Gig Harbor WA. - Could someone be using my call??

Thanks and 73 de NU1K - Dan

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