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160M DXCC certificate number Dec 29th 2019, 11:00 4 8,868 on 2/1/20

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160M DXCC certificate number K9GL on 1/1/20
Thanks. I just took your standings list in PDF, highlighted it, and pasted it into an Excel spreadsheet, where I sorted the call signs.

I was curious how many of my hams friends had 160M DXCC. I found a few!
160M DXCC certificate number K9GL on 29/12/19
So I'm relatively new to 160M DXCC, and received #3379 on my certificate dated 11/17/2019. I went out to look at the PDF of all the other hams with 160M DXCC today, and noticed there are only 2826 call signs listed.

Is there a file somewhere that shows all the hams who have achieved 160M DXCC and when?


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