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Suggested radio for beginner lkhedge on 2/8/12
Iam a newbie to Hamradio,after doing a bit of research, I found two radios, 1. Wouxum 4d and 2. Yaesu 8dr. Wouxum is a 2 m and 70 cm (dual band) pretty decent quality and very affordable, it might be a very good first rig if all you are looking for is operation in 2m & 70 cm. bands it also has a fm radio and a touch light built in it also transmits on out of band very good for public service. I own this and all I have is praises.
2. Yaesu 8dr - is a Swiss army of radio world - very good construction, APRS, AM-FM radio. Very wide rx range, tx on quad band... The down side is it's extensive and it's does require a bit of extra learning ... I have ordered one but did not yet use it extensively. If you have extra cash I would advice u to get the yaesu 8dr very worth the money.
Hope this helps.

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