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RF and attic antennas Oct 2nd 2020, 08:56 2 5,068 on 5/10/20
RF and attic antennas Oct 2nd 2020, 08:47 1 4,905 on 2/10/20

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RF and attic antennas KD9TB on 2/10/20
I have a large attic with a tall peaked roof. I can fit an MFJ Cobweb 1838 in this space (20+ feet above ground). Maximum power of transmission will be 200 watts.

Should I be concerned about RF below this antenna, especially on the 2nd floor?

Is there any way to reduce RF penetration to the floor below?
RF and attic antennas KD9TB on 2/10/20
I have a large attic with a tall peaked roof. I can fit an MFJ Cobweb 1838 in this space (20+ feet above ground). Maximum power of transmission will be 200 watts.

Should I be concerned about RF below this antenna, especially on the 2nd floor?

Is there any way to reduce RF penetration to the floor below?

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