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"Error in Sound Input" Message Mar 24th 2023, 12:22 3 2,570 on 26/3/23

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"Error in Sound Input" Message Goldingen81 on 26/3/23
Thanks, Zak. I switched to JTDX and it is better -- not gone, but noticeably better. Changing the USB cable between the laptop and the SignalLink box also seems to be a fix some of the time.
"Error in Sound Input" Message Goldingen81 on 24/3/23
Hello! I often get this message at random times when using FT8 on 20 meters. I can't find a regular fix to the problem. I updated the drivers, put a ferrite core on the USB connection line from the Signalink box, checked the sound and microphone settings and restarted the laptop. It still keeps happening a fair amount. Anyone have some great finds about how to fix this? Thanks! Eric, WA9CEK

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