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SWR on homebuilt Yagi Jun 11th, 14:59 2 716 on 14/6/24

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SWR on homebuilt Yagi on 11/6/24
I built a tape measure yagi antenna to try to better my satellite comms with an HT. I built a dual band 2m/70cm.It has 4, 2m and 7 70cm elements. I used old CB coax jumpers to solder in my coax jumpers. The jumper on the 2m side is 16 inches. My SWR on 2m is 1.2:1. The jumper on the 70cm side is 24 inches. The SWR on 70cm I can't get below 3:1. Do I need to shorten this coax length? Do I need to shorten/lengthen (?) the spacings of the elements? My element spacing on 2m is 12 3/8 inches, and on 70cm they are at 5 inches. I have been a HAM operator for a whopping 6 weeks, so to say I'm new at this is a mouthful. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ralph KK7SXE

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