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Most effective tuner location Feb 1st 2013, 20:31 3 6,561 on 2/2/13

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Most effective tuner location k4lxx on 2/2/13
Thank you, you were very helpful. It also explains why I could tune my dipole on 180 meters when the tuner was next to the transceiver, but not when located close to the feed point.

73 Gary K4LXX
Most effective tuner location k4lxx on 1/2/13
I am operating a 746Pro at 100 watts through approximately 80 feet of coax into an Icom AH-4 tuner, feeding a Windom HSQ antenna at 45 feet. While this appears to work just fine, I have wondered if it is any more effective than using a tuner placed indoors and next to the transceiver. The reason I am curious is that the cost of an outdoor tuner able to handle more power, should I wish to add an amplifier, is substantially greater than a suitable indoor one. Is the cost warranted due to some improvement in performance?

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