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Folded Balun Performance Measurement Jul 14th 2024, 08:04 2 1,462 on 14/7/24
Dude Star Feb 21st 2022, 16:24 2 6,687 on 22/2/22
BBC Reports WSPR helping locate MH370 Dec 4th 2021, 20:33 2 5,712 on 5/12/21
VHF and UHF at the same time Mar 5th 2021, 05:07 2 5,696 on 5/3/21
Bazooka vs Ferrite Beads Feb 2nd 2021, 09:40 2 5,772 on 2/2/21
Circular polarization - Texas Eggbeater Oct 18th 2020, 16:39 2 6,049 on 19/10/20

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Folded Balun Performance Measurement K9YO on 14/7/24
I found the answer in this video
Antenna under Roof on 14/7/24
The HOA is probably concerned about large antennas on the top of your house that you can easily see. You should be OK setting up a dipole or maybe vertical in your back yard. Make friends with your neighbors so they don't complain. I recommend a dipole for 15 m as your first antenna. Put it up in a tree or along your ridge peak with lightning protection. You will need to drive a ground rod for the lightening protection.
Folded Balun Performance Measurement K9YO on 14/7/24
I am planning to make a folded balun for an EME antenna ( I have a NanoVNA. How do I connect the VNA to measure if the balun is tuned to the correct frequency?
Loop Antenna Help N7ZEF on 14/7/24
Adding coils at the feed point will in effect increase the electrical length of the antenna which should bring down the swr. You will still need an antenna tuner with a very wide range to match it.
Loop Antenna Help N7ZEF on 14/7/24
Adding coils at the feed point will in effect increase the electrical length of the antenna which should bring down the swr. You will still need an antenna tuner with a very wide range to match it.

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