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DXCC Diamond Challenge Aug 28th 2012, 00:59 3 7,328 on 14/9/12

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DXCC Diamond Challenge N4ST on 29/8/12
The spreadsheet is protected so the user can not change the date/time format when submitting. Not much else I could do.

Finally gave up and just hand jammed the data into the on-line submission form. Should have done that in the first place since it requires a lot less information (no time, band or mode) than the spreadsheet.
DXCC Diamond Challenge N4ST on 28/8/12
I have tried submitting the Excel spreadsheet for the DXCC Diamond Challenge, but all of the entries are rejected because of an "invalid date format". The date/time displayed in the error message is what is in the spreadsheet except the month and day are reversed.

Any suggestions? Anyone else encounter this?

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