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HR 279 Nov 19th 2015, 19:45 2 6,441 on 21/11/15

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HR 279 K0LRO on 21/11/15
I reply to this myself. According to Dan Henderson, N1ND
Regulatory Information Manager, HR 279 will not affect the Amateur service.
HR 279 K0LRO on 19/11/15
I was electronically thumbing through bills in the House of Representatives and found this little gem: H.R.279 - To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to limit the authority of the Federal Communications Commission over providers of broadband Internet access service. Would this remove the FCC's authority to regulate Broadband over Power Line? Would it remove the FCC's ability to regulate interfering emmissions from Cable TV companies? Any legal opinions would be welcome. See

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