06/22/2016 | Confirmed Tornado in Maryland Downs Tower at W3LPL Contest Station
A confirmed Fujita scale EF-0 tornado touched down for up to 20 minutes in Howard County, Maryland, on the first full day of summer, taking down a tall AB-105 tower at the contest superstation of Frank Donovan, W3LPL.
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07/05/2013 | Connecticut SKYWARN Praised Following Tornado
Volunteers "do a great job...in the most critical weather moments"
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06/03/2013 | Renowned Storm Chaser Tim Samaras, WJ0G, Killed in Oklahoma Tornado
Professional storm chasers Tim Samaras, WJ0G, his son Paul Samaras and fellow investigator Carl Young were killed on May 31 near El Reno, Oklahoma when an EF3 tornado suddenly changed paths and slammed into their vehicle; they were unable to escape.
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05/23/2013 | Amateurs in Oklahoma Respond to Storm Aftermath
After an EF5 tornado swept through Oklahoma on May 20, radio amateurs in that state assisted the American Red Cross with its communications efforts.
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04/12/2012 | North Texas Hams Respond When Tornados Strike
On April 3, 2012, perfect conditions conducive to tornado activity converged on North Texas. A slow moving front, combined with abnormally warm temperatures and moist air coming in from the south, produced large hail, numerous funnel clouds, and tornados.
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03/14/2012 | Hams in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio Provide Support During and After Tornado Outbreak
A devastating storm system moved across the United States on March 2, spawning a slew of tornadoes that contributed to at least 28 fatalities in Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. These tornadoes followed an earlier outbreak that began on February 28 and left 13
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01/25/2012 | Hams in Arkansas and Alabama Help Provide Assistance to NWS During Severe Sunday Storms
Strong winds and tornadoes moved through Arkansas and Alabama on Sunday, January 22. In response to the storms, the National Weather Service office in Little Rock activated Arkansas SYWARN the same afternoon, while ARES® members were activated in parts of
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06/06/2011 | SATERN Thanks Amateurs for Responding to Call for Assistance, All Slots Filled
In response to the EF5 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri last month, the Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) -- through the ARRL -- requested volunteers to help support their mission to supply logistical and communications support. Mor
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