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    11/29/2010 | British Man Convicted for Deliberate Interference, Operating Without a License

    Clive McMurray of the British town of Hull (located about 45 miles southwest of York) was convicted and sentenced on November 22 for causing deliberate interference to Amateur Radio users and unlawfully using radio equipment without a license. According t
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    10/26/2010 | ARRL Visits British Hams, RSGB at National Hamfest

    Earlier this month, ARRL Marketing Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, represented the League at the National Hamfest in the United Kingdom. Billed as the biggest convention in the UK, the National Hamfest “kicked off” Ham Week UK, October 1-10. Now in its sec
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  • 10/30/2009 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Well, what a week it has been. The solar flux hit 82.3 on Tuesday, the highest recording yet since the first-observed "new cycle sunspot" in January 2008, the "official" visual start of Solar Cycle 24. Even as I write this, the flux is
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